The Loveall Foundation Kilimanjaro Challenge:
Climbing for the Children Sometimes in life we confront challenges that seem insurmountable, like climbing a 19,340-foot mountain or curing a devastating disease. But history tells us that even the most daunting challenges can be successfully met if you dedicate yourself and focus on your goal. Beginning New Year’s Day 2010 we will ascend Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak. On January 6 we plan to stand on her summit. A half a century ago, a diagnosis of Leukemia was a death sentence, but thanks to the work of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the five-year survival rate for people with leukemia has nearly quadrupled. With your support we can climb the tallest mountains together and help relieve the suffering of kids. One hundred percent of your contributions to the Loveall Foundation Kilimanjaro Challenge will go to the Leukemia Society, earmarked to benefit children battling leukemia. Anything can be accomplished with enough planning, perseverance and effort. Thank you for accepting ‘The Challenge.’ Onward and upward! |
In the midst of his chemo treatments, David Timko, of the Leukemia Society, took the time to congratulate us on our efforts and pledged his support for the Kilimanjaro Challenge. David, you will be in our thoughts with every step we take on this climb. You are an inspiration to those who know you. |
Happy, healthy New Year to everyone!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
This will be the first New Year’s Eve for us when we are asleep soon after the sun sets. Tomorrow is the big day! As the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. on New Year’s Day at home, we begin the ascent up Mt. Kilimanjaro for the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge.
See the NEW video above details about our adventure, this is an interview done with Jacques several weeks prior to our departure.
But wait; is that a blue shield at the top of the mountain? Yes, and we are delighted to report that Blue Shield is a Summit level sponsor. We will think of that Blue Shield when we walk on the glacier in just a few days!
We are also deeply grateful to Climber level sponsors Jon Feinberg and UFCW Local One, Frank DeRiso, President. Thank you, Jon and Frank. Your generosity will keep us moving onward and upward!
We also want to thank Mike Wagner and UFCW Local 500 for their Trekker sponsorships. Your support is humbling.
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
Happy, healthy New Year to all of you. We look forward to sharing our soaring experiences from the Year of the Climb when we see you again in 2010!
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
We’ve arrived in Moshi, Tanzania
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
We’ve arrived in Moshi, Tanzania, the small town at the base of the 19,340-foot Mt. Kilimanjaro. In just 2 days, we begin the climb. Our packs are full, our 40-degree-below-zero sleeping bags are stuffed and our various batteries are charged. We are ready!
There was no better welcome to this African country than knowing that even more sponsors have pledged at the Summitteer level.
To the local unions that are part of the UFCW Region 8 States Council, thank you. Your commitment to helping children battling leukemia is deeply appreciated by all of us.
Another Summit level sponsor has come through and we are grateful to Steve Stemerman of Davis Cowell and Bowe for his friendship, counsel and generosity over these many years. Steve, your significant support is so meaningful to us!
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
The calendar counts down and the pledges are up!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
There are so many generous contributors still coming through that our email program is working overtime to properly recognize those of you who have come forward in support of the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge.
This afternoon, we wanted to send a special email to thank our colleagues, without whose support we couldn’t do what we do. Your additional support of this worthy cause is deeply touching.
To Kirk Vogt, Joe Ambrosi, the folks at Campobello, Loomis Sayles, Gryphon and Liberty Dental, thanks to all of you for your Hiker level donations.
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
Fluent in Swahili yet? We’re working on it!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
We’re finalizing all the details for our expedition up the mountain. And learning Swahili in the process! We’re expanding our minds and our backpacks as the countdown continues. 3 more days…
In the meantime, our supporters are still coming through for the children. This morning’s shout out goes to our Trekker level sponsors. Thanks to all of you:
Vida and Bobby Bleiweiss, UFCW Local 5, The Segal Company, Sparta Asset Management, Rainer Investment Management, Invesco, Delta Dental and Miller Kaplan Arase.
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
Mark DeVincentis urges Challenge supporters to go viral!
Monday, December 28, 2009
First, a special thank you to Mark Tulowitzky, from UFCW 8, who donated online at Trekker level. Mark, your support is humbling and so meaningful. We are up to the Challenge!
Following is an excerpt from an email we received from Mark DeVincentis:
“Hey guys: That ‘Climb’ video is insane. I have the chills. One of the best videos ever; it will go down as a classic. If we didn’t just have a baby, I would have booked a flight and climbed with you.
“I’m watching it again. Insane!
“I forwarded that link to all of my friends, family and colleagues, and I urge everyone else who supports this worthy cause to do the same.
“Let’s blow the roof off of this thing and raise as much as we possibly can for these kids battling leukemia.
“Just climb, baby, just climb!”
You heard Mark! Please pass along this and future emails to your friends and family. Any and all support is deeply appreciated.
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
Summit Level is getting bigger by the day!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Over these last few days, we are humbled by the steady growth of generosity for the Kilimanjaro Challenge, Climbing for Children.
A special shout out to two new Summit Level sponsors who came through in the last few days:
UFCW Local 99 and UFCW Local 152: Presidents Jim McLaughlin and Brian String, your support of our cause and your years of friendship will keep us going against all odds. Jim and Brian, these blisters are for you!!!
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you "Become a Fan" of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
Our journey has begun
Sunday, December 27, 2009
We began our journey to Africa on the day after Christmas. In just 5 days, we begin the ascent to Mt. Kilimanjaro for the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge.
In this season of giving, we are deeply touched by the generosity of so many of our friends and family. In particular, we would like to express our gratitude to Patty and Jack Loveall for their Climber level sponsorship. Your support means the world to us, thank you!
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
8 days and counting...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
8 days and counting before we begin the ascent to Mt. Kilimanjaro for the Loveall Foundation for Children's Kilimanjaro Challenge.
Since we started the countdown, just three weeks ago, the outpouring of moral and financial support for our goal of climbing for children battling leukemia has been profoundly humbling and inspiring.
Today is Christmas Eve, a time to stop and count our many blessings. It’s also a time to focus on children and on giving. Nothing underscores that more than helping others.
If you are so inclined, and haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
We hope you have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones.
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
From New York to Kilimanjaro
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
9 days and counting until we start the Climb for Children.
Gus and Jay Baglio have come through as Climber-level sponsors of the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge, Jan. 1-8, 2010.
The Baglios’ generosity will benefit children fighting leukemia.
Who said New Yorkers don’t have a heart? You guys are awesome!
We’ll be thinking of Gus, Jay and all of our other sponsors as we climb Africa’s tallest mountain for a lofty cause.
It’s not too late for you to participate!
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.”
Onward and upward!
Meet the children battling leukemia
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
As we prepare for the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, we never stop thinking about the children who are confronting much more difficult challenges of their own.
These are the children who are battling leukemia and lymphoma. All that we do in the Loveall Foundation Kilimanjaro Challenge is for them!
Rory is among the many children who are helped by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
When she was 3, Rory was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Two weeks after the diagnosis, her mom contacted the society's Information Resource Center. The center sent booklets on childhood leukemia and referred the family to the Indiana Chapter for support services.
Rory responded well to her chemotherapy, though she was grieved by temporarily losing her beautiful long blonde hair.
Ten years later, Rory is recovering from her cancer and is looking forward to living a normal life!
For Rory, and for many other children like her, we hope you will become a generous supporter of “The Challenge.”
Onward and upward!
What is a Sherpa?
Monday, December 21, 2009
For those of you who don’t know, the Sherpas are a group that lives in the mountains of Nepal. The most famous of all Sherpas was Norgay Tenzing the first person to reach the top of Mt. Everest with Sir Edmond Hillary. Since that time, “Sherpa” has come to mean someone who helps another person make a difficult climb.
For the Kilimanjaro Challenge, we are using the word to describe individuals who have stepped forward as sponsors. A few sherpas for the KILI Challenge include Mark Berns, Rick Glazer, Andy Houts, Pat Tsang, Brett Slusser and Shelly Ralls to name a few, many more to be named as we get closer to basecamp!
Our thanks go to these Sherpas! They have accepted "The Challenge" to help us help children who are battling leukemia.
Any and all support is deeply appreciated.
Onward and upward!
Donations to the "second power"
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Good news! Now your support of the Kilimanjaro Challenge can go twice as far!
An anonymous friend of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will match $100,000 in donations made by Dec. 31 to support an important research focus — reducing the long-term and late effects of some of today's intensive leukemia treatments.
Please take advantage of this challenge and double the impact of your sponsorship. Whatever you give will go twice as far!
Any and all support for our efforts to help children battling leukemia will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you for accepting "The Challenge."
Onward and upward!
In honor of David Timko
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
There is a little more than two weeks to go until the start of the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge. Sponsors of the expedition to climb Africa’s tallest mountain will benefit children who are fighting leukemia.
One of the faces of the Leukemia Society is David Timko, a man many of us have grown to admire as he travels around the country raising money for this worthy cause.
Just a few days ago we learned that, after 16 years, David’s cancer has returned and he is undergoing chemotherapy. His outlook is optimistic and he is as committed as ever to beating this disease.
In the midst of his chemo treatments, David took the time to congratulate us on our efforts and pledged his support for the Kilimanjaro Challenge.
Please click below to listen to a message from David Timko:
David, you will be in our thoughts with every step we take on this climb. You are an inspiration to those who know you.
Any and all support for our efforts to help children battling leukemia will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you for accepting "The Challenge."
Onward and upward!
Make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Mellon on the Mountain!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A special thank you to Scott Hamilton and John Donaghey at BNY Mellon for their pledge at Summiter level.
When we received this pledge, we couldn’t help but reflect back to the first week of January when we were on the summit of Mt. Tamalpais with Scott.
That was the beginning of this journey and now, here we are, 20 days and counting until the start of the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge benefitting children fighting Leukemia.
We can’t tell you how much we appreciate all of your support.
Scott, we know if you weren’t about to become a daddy for the first time, we’d be eating your dust climbing up that mountain in Tanzania.
To all of our supporters, thanks for accepting "The Challenge." Onward and upward!
Holy pin cushin Batman!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
23 days and counting until the start of the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge benefitting children fighting Leukemia.
We have now received our vaccinations for Tanzania. Believe it or not, it required 8! We're now inoculated against: Hepatitis A & B, Polio, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Malaria, Tetanus, & Influenza.
And just in case, we picked up a bottle of Advil.
Any and all support for the climb directly benefits children battling Leukemia. Remember nothing feels better than giving until it hurts!
Thank you for accepting "The Challenge." Onward and upward!
Hill Yes!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Well, today is 24 days and counting until the start of the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge benefitting children fighting Leukemia.
Chuck Hill's contribution helps us 'take the hill.' A special thank you to Chuck, and our friends from American Income Life, who came through with a big donation for our efforts. With friends and supporters like this, together, we will help make a better life for sick children.
Any and all support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting "The Challenge." Onward and upward!
Alex Miller accepts The Challenge!
Friday, December 4, 2009
28 days and counting until we start the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge benefitting children fighting Leukemia.
The words of encouragement for our endeavor from our friends and supporters are so meaningful. Thanks especially to Alex Miller, from Hemming Morse, who pledged as Climber. Because of your generosity, Alex, very special children will have another chance at life.
Any support at any level is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting "The Challenge." Onward and upward!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
30 days and counting until the start of the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge benefitting children fighting Leukemia.
A special shout out to Mark Steen from Blue Rock Advisors, our first responder, who pledged at the Summiter level. (Have you ever noticed that the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro is a blue rock?!)
Mark, have a fantastic day knowing that children will be better off because of your generosity.
Any and all support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting "The Challenge." Onward and upward!
~ Jacques Loveall
A Message from David Timko
A message from David Timko, Senior Vice President, Chapter Growth ...![]() |
David Timko is the Senior Vice President of Chapter Growth with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, currently leading a "Quantum Growth" initiative with the Society's top 10 Chapters. |
He has been with the Society since 1987, joining the Society as the Executive Director of the National Capital Area Chapter in Washington, DC, where he served for over 17 years. The Chapter has consistently been one of the top performing entities in the Society's history. David has also been the key liaison for the UFCW/Leukemia Campaign since joining the Society, and has watched the campaign grow in participation and revenue for over 20 years. |
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Information From the Trail
Previous Posts
- Happy, healthy New Year to everyone!
- We’ve arrived in Moshi, Tanzania
- The calendar counts down and the pledges are up!
- Fluent in Swahili yet? We’re working on it!
- Mark DeVincentis urges Challenge supporters to go ...
- Summit Level is getting bigger by the day!
- Our journey has begun
- 8 days and counting...
- From New York to Kilimanjaro
- Meet the children battling leukemia
- What is a Sherpa?
- Donations to the "second power"
- In honor of David Timko
- Mellon on the Mountain!!
- Holy pin cushin Batman!
- Hill Yes!
- Alex Miller accepts The Challenge!
- Wednesday, December 2, 2009
- A Message from David Timko
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Loveall Foundation for Children
4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-256
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Tax ID #: 68-0435070
Loveall Foundation for Children
4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-256
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Tax ID #: 68-0435070