The Loveall Foundation Kilimanjaro Challenge:
Climbing for the Children Sometimes in life we confront challenges that seem insurmountable, like climbing a 19,340-foot mountain or curing a devastating disease. But history tells us that even the most daunting challenges can be successfully met if you dedicate yourself and focus on your goal. Beginning New Year’s Day 2010 we will ascend Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak. On January 6 we plan to stand on her summit. A half a century ago, a diagnosis of Leukemia was a death sentence, but thanks to the work of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the five-year survival rate for people with leukemia has nearly quadrupled. With your support we can climb the tallest mountains together and help relieve the suffering of kids. One hundred percent of your contributions to the Loveall Foundation Kilimanjaro Challenge will go to the Leukemia Society, earmarked to benefit children battling leukemia. Anything can be accomplished with enough planning, perseverance and effort. Thank you for accepting ‘The Challenge.’ Onward and upward! |
In the midst of his chemo treatments, David Timko, of the Leukemia Society, took the time to congratulate us on our efforts and pledged his support for the Kilimanjaro Challenge. David, you will be in our thoughts with every step we take on this climb. You are an inspiration to those who know you. |
We've left base camp
Friday, January 1, 2010
Last night was our last slumber in a real bed, with a roof over our heads, for the next 8 days. In a few moments, we begin our 19,340-foot trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro for the Loveall Foundation for Children Kilimanjaro Challenge.
The pledges are still rolling in! Today we are pleased to report that UFCW Local 1776 has come in with a Climber-level sponsorship and the folks at New England Pension Consultants have come through with two Trekker level sponsorships. Thank you, Wendell Young and John Elliott, on behalf of the kids whose lives will be better because of your generosity.
As we leave base camp today, we would also like to recognize the amazing support of our Base Camp level sponsors:
Ron Lind, Christine Galves, Rob and Meryle Galloway, Leslie Bouchard, Scott Taylor, John Elliott, Chris Wallace, Linda Wyman, Gilbert Luna, Martin Lugo, Terri Kiehlmeier, Fatima and Carlos Valenzuela, Paul Supat, Jay Trumbull, Steve Bodine, Steve Trujillo, Sheryl Percell, Rick Salton, Fred Pepper, John Heise, Bea Medinas, Art Cobian, Mike Fursman, Loel Yerion, Patti Brown, Raymond Kristoff, Tom Pate, Paul Lowney, Mike Perrin, Cori Higley, Evelyn Orley, Ken Farrar, Larry Plumb, Clark Koertner, Carol Evans, Roger Adair, Patti Chiara and Ameriprise Advisor Services.
Our next reports will be called in from our satellite phone to keep you posted on the change in atmosphere, among other things. Stay tuned!
If you haven’t already done so, please make your donation online at and make sure you “Become a Fan” of the Loveall Foundation page on
Any and all support for this cause is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for accepting “The Challenge.” Onward and upward!
Information From the Trail
Previous Posts
- 8 Days on Mt Kilimanjaro
- Greetings from the Summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro!
- Meet more children battling leukemia
- Heat and hail
- Our Inspiration
- Are we there yet?!?!?!
- Ashen Brothers Embrace the Challenge
- The views are enough to make your head spin...
- We're 'kicking back' at 12,600 feet!
- The first two days or our climb
- We've left base camp
Become a Fan!
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Loveall Foundation for Children
4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-256
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Tax ID #: 68-0435070
Loveall Foundation for Children
4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-256
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Tax ID #: 68-0435070